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# Item Type Title Creator(s) Year Added
101 journalArticle Science must up its game to support climate finance negotiations Nikas_et_al 2024 4.12.2024
102 journalArticle Why it’s in rich nations’ interests to fund climate finance Kleinnijenhuis 2024 4.12.2024
103 preprint Exploring the relationship between sociopolitical complexity, ideology, and authority in world history Hoyer_et_al 2024 3.12.2024
104 book Urban Life in the Distant Past: The Prehistory of Energized Crowding Smith 2023 3.12.2024
105 book The Population of Tikal: Implications for Maya Demography Webster 2018 3.12.2024
106 journalArticle Insect feeds in salmon aquaculture: sociotechnical imagination and responsible story-telling Strand_et_al 2022 1.12.2024
107 bookSection Delivering more than the “sum of the parts”: Using Quantitative Storytelling to address the challenges of conducting science for policy in the EU land, water and energy nexus Matthews_et_al 2017 1.12.2024
108 webpage Catastrophic Dehumanization: A formal model - - 1.12.2024
109 journalArticle The State of Global Catastrophic Risk Research: A Bibliometric Review Jehn_et_al 2024 1.12.2024
110 webpage Fallen ancient civilizations show us why we must not ignore climate warnings Silverstein 2024 1.12.2024
111 book Regionale Dokumentation Leibundgut_Vonderstraß_Leibundgut 2016 1.12.2024
112 journalArticle Der Wasserbau im Mittelalter anhand ausgewählter Beispiele aus Südbaden Haasis-Berner_Mitteilungen_Der_Deutschen_Gesellschaft_Für_Archäologie_Des_Mittelalters_Und_Der_Neuzeit 2014 1.12.2024
113 book Germany in the early middle ages, c. 800-1056 Reuter 1991 29.11.2024
114 book Taking Back Control?: States and State Systems After Globalism Streeck 2024 28.11.2024
115 book La Défaite de l'Occident Todd 2024 28.11.2024
116 book The Carolingians: a family who forged Europe Riché 1993 27.11.2024
117 journalArticle The Fifth Generation of Revolution Studies. Part I: When, Why, and How Did It Emerge Korotayev_et_al 2024 26.11.2024
118 book The Middle Ages Cipolla 1978 26.11.2024
119 webpage Internet History Sourcebooks: Medieval Sourcebook - - 26.11.2024
120 book Medieval regions and their cities Russell 1972 26.11.2024
121 journalArticle Human and nature dynamics (HANDY): Modeling inequality and use of resources in the collapse or sustainability of societies Motesharrei_Rivas_Kalnay 2014 25.11.2024
122 book Urban world history: an economic and geographical perspective Tellier 2019 25.11.2024
123 note (No Title) NO_CREATORS - 25.11.2024
124 webpage World UTM Grid - - 25.11.2024
125 webpage Distance from Winchester to York - - 25.11.2024
126 book Making a living in the middle ages: the people of Britain 850-1520 Dyer 2002 25.11.2024
127 book The year 1000: what life was like at the turn of the first millennium: an Englishman's world Lacey_Danziger 1999 25.11.2024
128 webpage History of the Political Map of the World - - 25.11.2024
129 book Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages Beckwith 2002 25.11.2024
130 webpage Sekigahara Campaign 1600 - 2020 25.11.2024
131 webpage The Unification of Japan - 2020 25.11.2024
132 webpage Sengoku Daimyo 1525 - 2020 25.11.2024
133 webpage Sengoku Daimyo 1545 - 2020 25.11.2024
134 webpage Sengoku Daimyo 1550 - 2020 25.11.2024
135 webpage Sengoku Daimyo 1560 - 2020 25.11.2024
136 webpage Sengoku Daimyo 1572 - 2019 25.11.2024
137 webpage China, 1900-1949 : The Long March 1934-1935 - 2017 25.11.2024
138 webpage - 2018 25.11.2024
139 webpage Карта земель Донского казачьего войска [Map of the lands of the Don Cossack Host] Хумусwrote - 25.11.2024
140 webpage Expansion of Russia in Asia - 2017 25.11.2024
141 artwork Français : Carte des beylicats d’Anatolie formés après la Bataille de Köse Dağ (26 juin 1243) CHP 2011 25.11.2024
142 artwork Français : Carte des beylicats d’Anatolie formés après la Bataille de Köse Dağ (26 juin 1243) CHP 2011 25.11.2024
143 book The Penguin historical atlas of ancient Rome Scarre_Internet_Archive 1995 25.11.2024
144 webpage Cídades pré-romanas, indígenas e coloniais, que emitiram moeda até 45 a.C. Campo_Arqueológico_de_Tavira - 25.11.2024
145 webpage The Hundred Years War after 1400 - - 25.11.2024
146 webpage Questões do Pirara - 2007 25.11.2024
147 webpage La Liga Federal. Del Sistema de los Pueblos Libres o Protectorado a la derrota de Artigas. - ppt descargar - - 25.11.2024
148 webpage Liga_Federal_1815.png (215×400) - - 25.11.2024
149 webpage La Campaña Al Desierto Trabajo de Investigación y Análisis realizado por Yajati, Alan Glagovsky, Eric Moron, Daniel Feldman, Ariel Husni, Federico. - ppt descargar Federico - 25.11.2024
150 webpage Mapa Historico de la Trocha Jucaro-Moron Construida por Orden del Conde Valmaseda - Guerra de los 10 Anos 1871 - - 25.11.2024
151 book Relations des Jésuites contenant ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable dans les missions des Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus dans la Nouvelle-France - 1858 25.11.2024
152 webpage El Camino Map - - 25.11.2024
153 webpage WHKMLA : History of Mataram - 2013 25.11.2024
154 webpage WHKMLA : History of Riau - 2014 25.11.2024
155 webpage WHKMLA : History of Surakarta - 2013 25.11.2024
156 webpage WHKMLA : History of the Sultanate of Bone - 2014 25.11.2024
157 webpage WHKMLA : History of the V.O.C. - 2013 25.11.2024
158 webpage WHKMLA : Historical Atlas, Indonesia Page - 2013 25.11.2024
159 webpage WHKMLA : History of Aceh - 2013 25.11.2024
160 webpage WHKMLA : History of Bali - 2013 25.11.2024
161 webpage WHKMLA : History of Bima - 2013 25.11.2024
162 webpage WHKMLA : History of Buton - 2011 25.11.2024
163 webpage WHKMLA : History of Cirebon - 2013 25.11.2024
164 webpage WHKMLA : History of Demak - 2013 25.11.2024
165 webpage WHKMLA : History of Kutai - 2012 25.11.2024
166 webpage WHKMLA : History of Majapahit - 2013 25.11.2024
167 webpage WHKMLA : History of Makassar - 2013 25.11.2024
168 webpage WHKMLA : History of Pajajaran - 2013 25.11.2024
169 webpage WHKMLA : History of Paser - 2012 25.11.2024
170 webpage WHKMLA : History of Singhasari - 2013 25.11.2024
171 webpage WHKMLA : History of Srivijaya - 2013 25.11.2024
172 webpage WHKMLA : History of Tayan - 2012 25.11.2024
173 webpage WHKMLA : History of the Dutch East Indies - 2013 25.11.2024
174 webpage The Exeter Book - - 24.11.2024
175 book The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Ingram_Giles 1996 24.11.2024
176 bookSection Anselm of Canterbury Williams_Zalta_Nodelman 2024 24.11.2024
177 book Adelard of Bath: an English scientist and arabist of the early twelfth century Burnett 1987 24.11.2024
178 webpage Mathematical Treasure: Adelard’s Translation of Euclid’s Elements | Mathematical Association of America - - 24.11.2024
179 book From memory to written record, England 1066-1307 Clanchy 1993 24.11.2024
180 book Roman roads in Britain Margary 1973 24.11.2024
181 book The monastic world, 1000-1300 Brooke_Swaan 1974 24.11.2024
182 book Post Capitalist Philanthropy Ladha_Murphy_Shiva 2022 23.11.2024
183 book Anglo-Norman England: 1066 - 1166 Chibnall 1996 23.11.2024
184 book The history of English law before the time of Edward I. Volume 2 Pollock_Maitland 2010 23.11.2024
185 book The feudal kingdom of England: 1042-1216 Barlow 2014 23.11.2024
186 artwork The South Eastern Portion of Australia compiled from the Colonial Surveys, and from details furnished by Exploratory Expeditions, By J. Arrowsmith. (with) inset outline map of Australia. (Map) 35. London, Pubd. 2d. June 1842, by J. Arrowsmith, 10 Soho Square. Arrowsmith 1844 22.11.2024
187 webpage Encyclopedia Britannica | Britannica - - 22.11.2024
188 blogPost Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien im Internet e.V. - 2024 22.11.2024
189 webpage Sabah and the Sulu claims | The Brunei Times - 2014 22.11.2024
190 webpage Palawan Tourism Council - History - 2008 22.11.2024
191 webpage PERAK - - 22.11.2024
192 webpage 0005.jpg (2220×1521) - - 22.11.2024
193 webpage rebelmap.jpg (957×844) - - 22.11.2024
194 webpage Indian, Chinese, & Japanese Emperors - - 22.11.2024
195 webpage map-shang-no-date-2.jpg (720×650) - - 22.11.2024
196 webpage THE HUNTINGTON ARCHIVE of Buddhist and Asian Art - - 22.11.2024
197 webpage Expansión peninsular de la Corona de Aragón.svg - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre - 2008 22.11.2024
198 blogPost MAPY UHORSKA A SLOVENSKA: Nitrianske kniežatstvo r. 800 až 860 MM 2007 22.11.2024
199 webpage kaukaz 19 rus.JPG (1488×1056) - - 22.11.2024
200 webpage U.S. Statutes at Large, Volume 7. Treaties Between the United States and the Indian Tribes (1789-1845). - - 22.11.2024
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